You Are Worthy

In a number of different ways the feeling, the word, the emotion called “unworthiness” keeps coming up.  As I’ve worked with clients and with Spirit on this feeling, it has been amazing how insidious the emotion of unworthiness may be in our lives.  How many of you have a difficult time receiving?  If we get something, we struggle to just accept it with gratitude, we feel the need to do something in return, or we unconsciously create a sense of “owing” to the giver.  This is one of the subtler ways that unworthiness shows itself in our lives.  What about your dreams, hopes, and ambitions?  Have you thought about something and then said, “That’s just out of my reach”?  It’s another way that unworthiness shows up in our lives.  We place a limit on what we can achieve or deserve that isn’t a real limitation. As I was shown, unworthiness is a loss of dignity.  Dignity can be defined as “the ability to feel worthy of honor and respect.”  When you have dignity, you give yourself no labels and you see yourself as an unique spirit, an unique soul.  When you have a lack of dignity you’ve lost a bit of your personal power, and you allow others define you.  You can look at the amount of personal power you have lost by looking at the gap between the “who” you are as a soul being and the “who” you are living as, and the choices you make, the labels you accept.  The size of the gap between these two is the amount of dignity lost and power taken.  When you heal this and remove the labels, you reclaim your dignity and your personal power.  Without this dignity and power, we live in pursuit of them which creates this feeling of unworthiness.  So, I invite you to look at the labels you’ve accepted, the choices you make, and to recapture your dignity.  In doing so you’ll recover that lost power and the ability to receive whatever comes your way with joy and gratitude.

Becoming Embodied

May has begun and Spring is transitioning from its beginning into full swing.  The first flowers are beginning to blossom and boy are we ready for it. As the sun moves into the sign of Taurus we are being reminded to stop and take the time to smell the roses.  The blessings surround us bountifully in a multitude of different ways just waiting for us to acknowledge them.  Let us remind ourselves that life should be pleasurable, our bodies are a gift, and that the earth is our home.

The word “Spring” conjures up so many visceral sensory experiences in my mind.  The songs sung by the birds, the vibrant green that emerges signifying new life, the first smell of cut grass, the smoky flavor of fresh grilled food, the feel of soil in our hands as we begin to garden.  These gifts that Gaia selflessly bestows upon us, asking only that we cultivate the momentary awareness required to receive them.

Mindfulness, a curious word to contemplate, and a term that in recent times has created quite a buzz.  Mindfulness as a practice is about connection of our minds to our bodies, predominately by becoming aware of and actively participating in our breath.  Breathing is something that requires no thought but sustains our life.  When we begin to consciously become aware of and participate with the seemingly automatic, life sustaining practices in our life, something magic happens.  A connection is made between heaven and earth, a blessing is received.

My advice during this season of Taurus is to slow down, make a conscious effort to become embodied and increase your capacity to take the pleasure out of life.  Approaching each moment as if it was sacred may give you more than just a glimpse of the divine.




This months musings come from the Jungle of the Peruvian Amazon.  For us, this is our time of spiritual renewal and growth as well as the cleansing of all the clutter that no longer serves us and our path.  Doing this work far away in a pristine and natural environment allows for very deep inner work and personal healing.  We came as a group of five, and as each individual’s work is being done, he or she is soothed by the sounds of the jungle animals – birds, insects, and frogs.  It’s a chance to reconnect to the earth, to nature, and to all the spirits connected to this magical place.

Here in the jungle where there is no electricity, no cell phones and being completely off the grid, you discover much truth.  Each evening we meet with our host for esoteric discussions.  Two of many teachings we have received from this experience are:

1.  Each day from your heart greet two complete strangers.  Perhaps the clerk at the checkout or some passerby.  Greet them with love in your heart and you will learn much and gently spread love and light;

2.  Each evening reflect upon the day as you go to sleep.  Review your actions, both the good and the bad.  For the bad, do not judge yourself, just say next time I will choose differently and focus on the good you did that day.  In this way you cleanse your heart, strengthen self love and change your behavior.

We look forward to seeing you all when we return!
Blessings and Be Well
-Jeff & Jo Currier

Your Window

It’s all about perspective sometimes, at least that’s what we are suggesting this month.  As we look around at the world, our country, our community, and our family, we can easily get caught up in what we “see”, and getting caught up in that egocentric view impacts us emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  As we are shown bits and pieces of the lessons we came here to learn, we can often lose focus of the bigger picture, that which is truly for our highest good.  We (Jeff and Jo) were reminded of this on our drive down to Tucson when we saw this beautiful sandstone arch (pictured) as we rounded a corner.  It was a beautiful surprise in an otherwise monotonous area.

At first glance, we could see through the arch and the beauty that lay behind it, and it gave us one view of the world to ponder – more of the monotony.  When we gazed at the view in its wholeness, we could see a much grander picture, as if looking through a different window, a different lens.  This perspective showed us the beauty that is everywhere if we widen our gaze (or viewpoint, or filter…).  So perhaps we can use this analogy to inquire about the limiting view of the “arch window” we may be using in our daily lives, perhaps one that may be limiting us from blossoming into all we were meant to be, and do, and become.  The gecko sees the arch window and believes that is all there is.  The eagle high above can see the divine order of things and remains calm and sure. So this month as it feels like the darkness of the winter and February is about to overcome you, look from that higher perspective, through the arch and beyond.  Perhaps that window you are currently looking out of is limiting.  Soar to new heights and embrace who you are meant to be and the shadows will rescind, brightening your day and your soul.

JOY !!

What is it that makes this time of year so much more pleasant for most?  Did you know that there are over 100 songs that are played just for the holiday  season from all spiritual paths that contain the word “Joy” in them?  It’s no wonder that we seem to be more tolerant, a little more patient, a little more forgiving as we head into December.  According to Dr. Hawkins’ book, Measuring Consciousness Levels, Joy (when said outloud) vibrates at 540 which is higher than Love at 500.  Imagine if you will the impact that hearing the word Joy and seeing the word Joy this time of year is having on all of us.  It’s no wonder that our spirits rise, and collectively we start to move just a bit nearer toward harmony and unity.  So let’s see what would happen if we keep Joy around just a bit longer and be more intentional about using the word Joy more often.  Think of what might happen to our ability to be more resilient – resilient to disease, fear and disharmony.  So spread Joy this holiday season and help to reverse the other frequencies we are bombarded with.

Joy to you all !!  Jeff & Jo

Positive Applied Psychology Training

Here is a link to the flyer describing the opportunity. Below that is the full course syllabus and finally the press release.

CAPP_flyer_Midland_MI_Spring_2018_UPD_11_3_2017 v3

CAPP Description and Syllabus 2016




NEW YORK, NY – The Flourishing Center (TFC) now offers its top-rated Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology (CAPP) program in Midland, Michigan beginning in January.

The program is rigorous in content providing participants with cutting-edge research in applied behavior change science, cognitive neuroscience, mindfulness, contemplative studies and mind-body medicine. The program is designed to support the Midland county initiative “Together-Forward-Bold: An exceptional place where everyone thrives.”

CAPP is part of the wellbeing initiatives coming out of Midland and being supported by Maureen Donker, who also serves as the Mayor of the City of Midland. In fact, she is registered to participate in the program. The plan is to align and coordinate Midland area change-agents to work on instilling positive systemic change during the program and beyond.

There are no prerequisites other than a deep desire for learning to become “the change you wish to see in the world.” Participants learn how to help others achieve their goals, build their engagement, optimism and resilience, transform negative relationships into authentically positive ones, grow their optimism, identify their life purpose, increase their awareness, use their strengths, overcome debilitating mind chatter and so much more.

Since 2012, nearly one thousand people have earned a Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology (CAPP) by attending two days of face-to-face training per month, in addition to participating in weekly distance learning classes and completing a final project.

CAPP draws a unique and diverse cohort of participants: educators, wellness and fitness people, coaches, entrepreneurs, business leaders, HR professionals, organizational and leadership development specialists, everyday citizens and more. All participants are social-emotional leaders and change-agents with influence on others.

Research has shown that 84% of the CAPP graduates say that the program exceeded or far exceeded their expectations. Greater than three quarters of the participants experience a decrease of stress and an increase in mindfulness, self-efficacy and flourishing. All of these results were statistically significant, and will be published later this year.

The program is founded and led by graduates of Martin Seligman’s University of Pennsylvania Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) program, the first of its kind in the world.

The facilitator for this special cohort in Midland is Louis Alloro, MAPP, M.Ed. Louis is a change-agent whose background and training places him at the intersection of Education (teaching & learning) and Positive Psychology (the science of optimal functioning, success, and happiness). Louis works with individuals and organizations of all kinds in facilitating positive growth.

Additional information about the special Midland cohort, including a link to register, is available on the website: https://theflourishingcenter.com/midland/.

Falling Leaves Time

October brings with it the time of falling leaves, fun in leaf piles and a slowing down of things around us.  In nature we see things strengthen and prepare for the cycle of sleep and renewal that is about to come.  This time is also about introspection — the energy of the west.  This is when we too can go inside and strengthen ourselves by using our inner resources for the solutions that we seek on our paths of purpose and personal growth.  This is also a time of gratitude for all that we have accomplished in summertime, our “time in the sun”, and to use all that we gathered to sustain us through the coming winter months.  We can use this time to turn ourselves to the more spiritual aspects of our lives.  We can look back upon our accomplishments and gain power and resolved from all that was done.  It need not be big grandiose things that we accomplished; for some simply getting from one day to the next was a great accomplishment.  This is not to minimize or to create comparison, simply to celebrate what is was that we have done.  This is also the time of winds, west winds, reminding us of the maturity that we have gained though this last cycle.  It is the recognition of what we have learned that is important in this time.  Now is the time to consolidate so that you have a clearer sense of direction and purpose.  So like the plants and animals in nature, let them be our teachers.  As they strengthen and go inside, let us do the same in positive introspection.  Use your community and trusted mentors and friends to provide the strength and safety that you feel you need as you embrace this time.

Everything Has a Spirit

global-water-volume-freshIt’s July and this is the time that we celebrate the birth of an institution, The United States of America.  And while we have family gatherings, fireworks and much more, how often do you stop to think that this institution that we call “The United States of America” has a spirit?  All institutions have a spirit, and they embody the spirit of those that created and care for it.  Higher Self Bookstore is an institution and all the past and current caretakers have a duty to hold the energy in order for it to be successful and meet the community’s needs.

For the United States of America, for this institution, we suggest that all of us are the caretakers.  We often look to our elected officials but in truth they are simply meant to represent us.  We are the ones that are accountable for holding the energy of this institution, the USA.  So on this Fourth of July and all month, take time to consciously hold and send the energy you want for this institution that we are the caretakers of.  Hold the light and the ideals strong within you; not to change another’s view point or perspective, simply be that beacon of light, that personal firework that says this is what the energy of The United States of America is.  Imagine what could be created in an instant if all 325 million of us did that across the country.  It all starts with you and that one beacon of light.  Hold the energy.

Water Blessings

global-water-volume-freshWater… As one looks at our world, you would think that water is a thing of abundance. After all, 71% of the earth is covered in water although 96.5% of that is in the oceans. Only 2.5% of the total water present is freshwater (the larger bubble in the picture) and drinkable and of that, only 0.76% is readily accessible (the tiny bubble in the picture). So, that means that 0.76% of all the water present is available for us to sustain life as we know. Despite all the water we see, it truly is a precious resource to protect. Thanks to the efforts like Standing Rock and the local effort around the Line 5 Pipeline, much more awareness is being brought to how this resource is managed and cared for. The concern is also rising as governments around the world make changes to laws that have the potential to impact our drinkable water. So what to do with all this concern around water? Not all of us can go participate in Standing Rock or other events (around the nation and/or the world) that help create awareness. There is, however, something that each of us can do where ever we are to help bless, clean, and repair our fresh water resources. This work revolves around the power of prayer, intention, magic… call it what you feel comfortable with, but it is using energetic vibration to bring about change. This practice is actually something that we (Jeff and Jo) have done ourselves in the area and are hoping more people will take similar action. It starts with an intent and crystals, specifically pieces of quartz because the intention is then amplified — quartz has the unique property of being able to store and amplify energy. It’s why our LCD computer screens work (Liquid Crystal Displays); smartphone screens and such all use and operate on this principle. So by programming quartz with the intent “to cleanse and purify water, restoring it back to its original state for the benefit of the earth, all plant and animal life, and all human beings” we can, in our individual part, help to protect and restore that precious 0.76% of the earth’s water that is drinkable. To learn how to do this ceremony please read on. This process is being used in areas of Japan and have been shown through true scientific research to improve the water quality.
Quartz Water Ceremony: First find pieces of quartz that you’d like to program for this work. Cleanse them by smudging with sage and putting them under running water (tap water works just fine) while asking that any prior programming or energetic signatures be removed returning those quartz crystals back to their natural state. Now write out your intent for this quartz such as: “This quartz will cleanse and purify water, restoring it back to its original state for the benefit of the earth, all plant and animal life, and all human beings”. Hold your quartz in your hand and state out load your intent, while doing this, intend that all the emotional energy flow from your heart and hand into the quartz crystals. Continue to say your intent our loud until you feel the quartz has fully absorbed this programming intention. Trust your gut/intuition — you will know when it’s done. If you have some other ceremony from your culture or your spiritual practice that you want to use, that will work as well. All that is required is some technique from the heart to program your quartz. With your quartz programmed, now go to any water source and place your quartz into it. It can be a lake, stream, the bay, one of the big lakes, any water place will help. We went out to the tip of Mission Peninsula up in Traverse City and tossed out two programmed crystals and then drove over to Sleeping Bear Dunes and tossed out two more crystals into that part of the lake. We still have more programmed crystals to distribute to help promote the healing.
What is happening on a vibrational level is taking advantage of the conductive nature of water. The intent that was programmed into the crystal is just energy, and once that energy is transmitted to the water it propagates through the water just like a wave that we have all seen. This conductive nature of water along with the ability of quartz to amplify and transmit energy is a powerful! Please feel free to share your water stories with all of us at the Ways To Wellness.

The Shadow

 2017 promised to be a year of change, and it sure is delivering on its promise so far.  It feels like everywhere we turn we are barraged with events, experiences, and information that moves us from our place of comfort.  As all of this is coming at us, it is easy to lose our light and our way, becoming victims to what is happening.  I invite you to view what is happening as a way to show us those parts of ourselves that we haven’t healed or that we have been rejecting as belonging to us – our shadow side.  As I reflect on the events that are happening here locally, around the country, and the world, I am grateful that it has provided me an opportunity to become aware of where I still hold biases:  old thinking and behaviors that are holding me back from creating the future I desire.  It is so easy to project my thoughts and feelings to others, getting caught up in all the rhetoric and activities, but all that does is feed and energize all of that which I truly don’t desire.  If I am going to help others, the world, and be of service, then I have to first start with facing those things in me that come up – that shadow.  So rather than give in to the fear and anger as I see or read about something, I first give thanks for making that particular issue so visible.  No more hiding, pretending or rejecting.  Then I work on partnering with that issue.  How can I work with these feelings and emotions and make them into constructive forces in my life?  To embrace and move through this change, I invite you to consider mustering the courage to face this side and partner with it.  Otherwise it will just keep coming up over and over.


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