You Are Worthy

In a number of different ways the feeling, the word, the emotion called “unworthiness” keeps coming up.  As I’ve worked with clients and with Spirit on this feeling, it has been amazing how insidious the emotion of unworthiness may be in our lives.  How many of you...

Becoming Embodied

May has begun and Spring is transitioning from its beginning into full swing.  The first flowers are beginning to blossom and boy are we ready for it. As the sun moves into the sign of Taurus we are being reminded to stop and take the time to smell the roses.  The...

Your Window

It’s all about perspective sometimes, at least that’s what we are suggesting this month.  As we look around at the world, our country, our community, and our family, we can easily get caught up in what we “see”, and getting caught up in that egocentric view impacts us...

JOY !!

What is it that makes this time of year so much more pleasant for most?  Did you know that there are over 100 songs that are played just for the holiday  season from all spiritual paths that contain the word “Joy” in them?  It’s no wonder that we seem to be more...