by Jeff Currier | Feb 28, 2017 | Good Vibrations, Health and Wellness, What's Up?
2017 promised to be a year of change, and it sure is delivering on its promise so far. It feels like everywhere we turn we are barraged with events, experiences, and information that moves us from our place of comfort. As all of this is coming at us, it is easy to...
by Jeff Currier | Dec 31, 2016 | Good Vibrations, Health and Wellness, What's New ?, What's Up?
[image style=”default” align=”left” size=”300″ src=””] Goodbye to 2016!! It has been a year of challenges for many. 2016 was a difficult Karmic...
by Jeff Currier | Nov 30, 2016 | Good Vibrations, Health and Wellness, What's Up?
These Changing Times As you might imagine, at the Ways To Wellness we get all kinds of emails from spiritual teachers, authors, and concerned customers. As we read through all these messages, it seems that there is a common thread resonating through many of them that...
by Jeff Currier | Sep 1, 2016 | Good Vibrations, What's New ?, What's Up?
[image style=”default” align=”left” size=”300″ src=” “]September – that time when school starts back up, we once again settle into...
by Jeff Currier | Jun 27, 2016 | What's New ?, What's Up?
[image style=”default” align=”left” size=”300″ src=””]It seems that everywhere we turn these days, even if we aren’t plugged into the...
by Jeff Currier | Apr 13, 2016 | Health and Wellness, What's Up?
[image style=”default” align=”left” size=”300″ src=””] This is a great article outlining some excellent uses for an oil we all have or have...