by Jeff Currier | Nov 29, 2017 | Good Vibrations, Health and Wellness, What's Up?
Here is a link to the flyer describing the opportunity. Below that is the full course syllabus and finally the press release. CAPP_flyer_Midland_MI_Spring_2018_UPD_11_3_2017 v3 CAPP Description and Syllabus 2016 THE FLOURISHING CENTER OFFERS SPECIAL SECTION OF ITS...
by Jeff Currier | Sep 28, 2017 | Good Vibrations, Health and Wellness, What's New ?, What's Up?
October brings with it the time of falling leaves, fun in leaf piles and a slowing down of things around us. In nature we see things strengthen and prepare for the cycle of sleep and renewal that is about to come. This time is also about introspection — the...
by Jeff Currier | Jul 1, 2017 | Good Vibrations, Health and Wellness, What's Up?
It’s July and this is the time that we celebrate the birth of an institution, The United States of America. And while we have family gatherings, fireworks and much more, how often do you stop to think that this institution that we call “The United States of America”...
by Jeff Currier | Mar 31, 2017 | Good Vibrations, What's New ?, What's Up?
Water… As one looks at our world, you would think that water is a thing of abundance. After all, 71% of the earth is covered in water although 96.5% of that is in the oceans. Only 2.5% of the total water present is freshwater (the larger bubble in the picture) and...
by Jeff Currier | Feb 28, 2017 | Good Vibrations, Health and Wellness, What's Up?
2017 promised to be a year of change, and it sure is delivering on its promise so far. It feels like everywhere we turn we are barraged with events, experiences, and information that moves us from our place of comfort. As all of this is coming at us, it is easy to...